💻Permanent Spoof

Permanent spoof instructions.


Difference between Normal, Asus, and HP explained here ♻️

ASUS: It needs a special spoofing mechanism because it is hard to permanently spoof it. However, Verse can, with just 1 extra step. All other motherboards are just "easy" and one-click permanently spoofed. So if you're on Asus, choose Asus Perm Spoof. Otherwise, choose the Normal Permanent Spoof option. HP: These motherboards should be unlocked before they're able to get spoofed. A USB is required for this, and the process is simple. Verse is one of the only spoofers that is able to permanently spoof HP. Follow the HP Unlock steps first. (See HP Permanent)

Normal Permanent Spoof

The chassis's serial < Default string > is fine and will remain red.

Asus Perm SpoofHP Permanent Spoof

TIP: Mac-address not changed? Use our "WIFI MAC SPOOFER" in the miscellaneous tab. Still not changed? 1. Disable in BIOS 2. Or follow: https://streamable.com/p2xfby

Serials not changing

Last updated